Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Film Project - Post 1

Ghosts of Mississippi Party
Guest List:
Medgar Evers
1. Medgar Evers (deceased) - could tell us about his work in the NAACP and other groups working toward integration

Myrlie Evers
2. Delmar Dennis (living?) - former KKK member, then left and worked for the FBI; could give insight into what it was like in the KKK

3. Myrlie Evers (living) - could tell us firsthand about her experience in the trials (where the entire jury was white and the odds were stacked against her)

4. Byron de la Beckwith (deceased) - could give us his perspective and mindset (it's not a real party until an argument breaks out)

5. William H. McIlhany II (living) - author of Klandestine and The ACLU on Trial; could tell us about his research on the KKK and other subjects

Byron de la Beckwith
6. Bobby DeLaughter (living) - could tell us about his experience trying to prove a white man guilty of murdering a black man 25 years after it happened

7. James Picken Jr. (living) - actor who played Medgar Evers in Ghosts of Mississippi (also Dr. Webber in Grey's Anatomy)

8. Darrell Evers (deceased) - could tell us about his experience growing up and watching the changes happen

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