Wednesday, February 8, 2017

The Progressive Era

1. Progress is advancement towards a societal or personal goal.

2. The Progressive Era is defined as the 1890s to 1920s This period of time was when political and social movements took place to rectify the problems introduced to America by industrialization.

3. Progressive reforms all had to do with social and political improvements and changes during the Progressive Era. (Source 3)

4. Major goals of Progressives: (Sources 1 & 2)
      (1 Essential goals worth striving for/ Necessary changes
       2 Good Goals – not strictly necessary but could really improve life
       3 Strange Goals
       4 Not a good idea)
 - Make cities cleaner and healthier (1)
 - Make workplaces safer (1)
 - Improve the treatment of workers and customers (2)
 - Income tax (16th Amendment) (2)
 - Ban on alcohol (3 & 4)
 - Protect social welfare (1)
 - Promote fairness (2)
 - Control big businesses (4)
 - Promote efficiency in government and business (2)


1. Google - "goals of the progressive movement"
2. - "What were the four goals of the progressive movement?"
3. Google - "progressive reforms"

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