Thursday, November 10, 2016

The Sioux Chef

   Chef Sean Sherman has made it his goal to recreate foods made by the Native Americans. He has spent much of his time researching and trying to recreate the foods almost exactly as they were made by the Native Americans. But because the recipes were passed down verbally - and a lot of them forgotten - all he has to work with was his research on indigenous foods that they used. He works mostly on trial and error, trying to make the foods exactly as they did.

   Not only does he use the same ingredients, but he also obtains and prepares them in a similar fashion. He sun dries food on spits, wakes up early or stays up late to collect and gather the berries and herbs for his dishes, grows his own fruits and vegetables, and even goes as far as burning juniper branches to ash to use as seasoning!

NY Times -The Movement to Define Native American Cuisine
The Sioux Chef - An Indigenous Kitchen

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