Monday, October 31, 2016

Historic Newspaper: Albany, OR

Albany, Oregon 1871
   In a typical Western newspaper from around the year 1871, one could read about the happenings going on in their town or city. Some such "local affairs" are the health statuses of people in the community, events that have taken place in the community or the lives of certain citizens, new products coming out in certain stores, things happening in nearby communities, etc. Anything mildly interesting happening in the community was recorded in the newspaper so that everyone could know.

   Another thing that can be found in the typical newspaper is ads. Ads for doctors, different medical drugs, new products, etc.
Medicine from late 1800's

"The Great Blood Purifier"

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Human Trafficking

      Human trafficking can come in many forms. Some such forms are black market organ trafficking, human sex trading, and child labor. Parallels can be found in the causes and victims of all of these forms and slavery in America. Three of the main causes of these things are as follows:
- poverty or extremes of rich and poor
- impoverished, uneducated, and/or displaced people
- lack of legal protection for a religious or ethnic minority
      All of these factors play a role in causing and enabling the enslavement or use of a group of people. The victims of these abuses are normally minorities or groups seen as "weaker" or with "lower intelligence". Most victims are girls, ethnic or religious minorities, etc.